Properties of a Plane
Properties of a Plane: Overview
This topic explains concepts such as Plane Surface, Flat and Curved Surfaces, Properties of Plane Surface, etc.
Important Questions on Properties of a Plane
A piece of paper is a model for a plane surface.

What is meant by the plane surface?

The inner surface is a plane surface.

The walls of room have _____ surface.

The book cover has a _____ surface.

The outer surface of a basket is a curved surface.

An egg has a _____ surface.

An orange has a _____ surface.

That is, we get surface planes in the half-lemon .

The inner surface is a _____ surface. (plane/ curved)

There are _____ planes in a cuboid box.

The outer surface of the ball is a curved surface.

We see the surfaces of the sides of the box and that under the box are also planes.

The top of a TV set has curved surface.

The top of a TV set has _____ surface.

The walls of room have _____ surface. (Plane/ Curved)

An egg has a _____ surface. (Plane/ Curved)

The book cover has a plane surface.

An orange has a plane surface.

The upper surface of the wall is plane surface.